Monday, September 26, 2011

Starting Up and What to expect

I'm just now getting started on doing a blog and this very first post is sort of an introduction of what to expect.  My name is Aaron and I happen to be a very big lover of media.  Books, movies, music and games, but mostly movies and games.  On this blog, I hope to share my own thoughts, opinions, and reviews of movies coming out to theaters, video games coming to consoles and pcs, and dvds that are currently out.  I will primarily focus on films and video games that are NOT horror based.  I'm hoping to really get started on this blog starting this week and I'm also hoping to get a few supporters as well.  Thank you so much for coming by and adding me to your list of blogs to watch.  I expect blogs to be posted every Thursday/Friday if I have the opportunity to.

This week:
  -Box Office Predictions, Review of Mars Needs Moms DVD or Review of Lion King

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